Argentine Soybean Meal

We export the best quality Argentine Soybean Meal for our customers as per their requirement. Non-reciprocal allowances 1:1 for Moisture/Fibre, with fraction, is proportion.
Parameters Characteristics
Protein 46.50%
From 46.49 Pct-46.0pct, non reciprocal, allowances 1:1, fractions in proportion
From 45.99 Pct-45.50pct, non reciprocal, allowances 2:1, fractions in proportion
Fiber 3.50%
Penalty 1:1 fraction in proportion
Acceptable upto 4.00%, above 4.00%
rejecteble. Deficient fiber free to buyer
Moisture 12.50%
Penalty 1:1 fraction in proportion
Acceptable upto 13.00%, above 13.00%
rejecteble. Deficient moisture free to buyer
Fat 2.50% Max
Sand/Silica 2.50% Max
Urease/Activity Minimum 0.05/ max 0.30 units mg/n/g/min. At 30 degree centigrade by EEC method